Your body needs vitamins and nutrients to function properly. For that, you need to eat a balanced diet. Unfortunately, not everyone gets to eat the right food everyday. That’s where multivitamins come in. Multi daily are a combination of different vitamins normally found in food sources. They are used to provide vitamins that are not taken in through your diet. Basically, multi daily help bridge some nutrient gaps so you can meet the recommended amount of nutrients. Benefits of taking multi daily 1.Increased energy levels When you don’t get enough vitamins, your body has to work harder to perform simple tasks, which can lead to fatigue and other health problems. Taking multivitamins and keeping a healthy lifestyle can keep you energetic and fit.
2. Improved mood Certain studies have shown that daily multivitamin has positive effects on a person’s mood and emotional well-being. Getting enough vitamins and minerals improves the brain functions responsible for your mood.
3.Reduces stress and anxiety The vitamins and minerals in your daily multivitamin can also significantly reduce levels of stress and anxiety. The body uses B vitamins to convert food into energy, keep the nervous system functioning properly, and to produce stress hormones. Taking Multi daily daily can replenish your body’s supply.
4.Improved short-term memory A recent study from Australia showed that B vitamins has a significant impact in supporting short-term memory function. In the research, older participants who supplemented with vitamin B12 did better in memory tests compared to those who did not take supplements.
5.Maintaine the muscle strength Free radicals are mainly responsible for muscle aging-related problems. Taking multivitamins daily can help keep these damaging free radicals in check. Make multi daily a daily habit.

COMPOSITION:- omega-3 fatty Acids ,Green Tea Extract , gingko Biloba, Ginseng, Grape seed extract, Gralic powder, Guggal, Ginger Root Extract, Green coffee Bean extract, Glycyrrhiza glabra extract,Lycopene, Essential Amino Acids, Multivitamin, Multimineral, L-carnitine , L-Tartrate &Trace Elements.

omega-3 fatty Acids Providing Docosa hexaenoic acid(DHA) 60 mg
Eicosa pentainoic acid(EPA) 90 mg
Green Tea Extract eq. to polyphenol 10 mg
Benfotiamine 1.5 mg
Biotin 100 mcg
Calcium Ascorbate 45 MG
Citrus bioflavonoids 20 mg
Elemental calcium 20mg
Elemental chromium 65 mcg
Elemental copper 0.5 mcg
Elemental magnecium 30 mg
Elemental zinc 15 mg
Folic acid 150 mcg
Gingko biloba 10 mg
Ginseng 42.5 mg
Grape seed extract 15 mg
lodine 150 mcg
Lactoacid bacillus 500 millons cells
Mixed carotene 11.33 mg
Niacinamide 20 mg
Vanadium 10 mcg
Vitamin B12 20 mg
Vitamin B6 1mg
Vitamin d3 200 Iu
Vitamin k 10 mcg
Colour Red Oxide Iron